Picks Description Ftr Mage
Agility Improves hero's defense Yes --
Arcane Power Improves hero's magical ranged attacks -- Yes
Arms Master Gives experience points every turn to units stacked with hero. Yes --
Blade Master Improves hero's chance To Hit Yes --
Charmed Hero gets +30 resistance Yes Yes
Constitution Improves hero's hit potins Yes --
Leadership Improves all normal, friendly unit's combat statistics Yes --
Legendary Improves wizard's fame Yes --
Luck Gives hero +1 To Hit, to Defense and to resistance Yes Yes
Might Improves hero's melee attack strength Yes --
Noble Hero has no upkeep cost and wizard gets 10 gold per turn Yes Yes
Prayer Master Gives resistance bonuses to all friendly units in combat -- Yes
Sage Gives wizard extra spell research points -- Yes
Spell Caster* Increases hero's spell casting skill -- Yes
* A Spell Caster skill improves the hero's base spell skill value by two and one-half, rounded down. The base value is multiplied as the hero gains levels. The hero's spell skill determines how many spells he/she can cast in combat and, if he also has magical ranged attacks, how many magic ranged attacks he/she can launch (each magic ranged attack costs three spell skill points).

Note: A hero can get several of his mage picks in the Spell Caster skill. For each such randomly assigned pick, the hero's base spell skill will improve by two and one-half.

Heroes may not get the Spell Caster pick if they do not already possess this skill.

Heroes with spell-casting skill that are at your enchanted fortress contribute half their spell skill to your spell casting skill when you are casting spells outside of combat. For example, a hero with a spell skill of 30, when in your fortress city, will allow you to funnel an extra 15 mana per game turn into any non-combat spells you are casting. This is true as long as you have the mana available as well.

Authors note:
Avoid "Lucky" and "Charmed" at all costs. They might sound valuable, but you will quickly realize they suck compared to the other skills available.

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Last Modified 8/17/96